BONES!! (Muscles, too) 10/4/20

This week we were working on our human body assignment. We talked a little about this topic last week, and we had to cut out all the bones of the human body that we will be learning. First, we had to cut them out, then we had to glue them on a huge sheet of paper so they make up a skeleton. We then had to cut out the certain muscles we were learning and put them in the correct places. Next week, we are going to finish that up, and then we get to decorate these bodies with markers and clothe!

For homework, we had a choice of either defining words on a google slide or reading the first chapter in our science book. I chose to do the slide and I am learning more about our amazing bodies.

Hopefully next week it won’t be so rainy and we can continue working on our chairs, but for now, we will continue learning about bones and muscles.

  • I wonder if we will have any field trips this year??
  • Will we get homework on the same week we have to do NWEAs?
  • Will we go back into quarantine??

Thanks, and bye!