Blood Type Lab 2/21

This week we did a lab, learning about blood types. Here is my check for understanding response.

The transfusion test helped me better understand and learn more about blood types, and which blood can and can’t be transfused. Certain people have different blood types, and that determines what blood you can put into your own body to help you after a surgery, accident, etc. I learned that type O blood is the most common blood found in humans, it is the universal donor, but only O’s can get type O blood. There are four main types of blood: type A, B, AB, and O. Type AB has both A and B antibodies, which means it can get all blood types, and it is the universal recipient. Type A can only get type A and O, and B can only get type B and O. 



Does anyone else think it’s cool that goat babies are called kids, like how human children are called kids, too?

What comes to mind when you think of the word “fidget”?

Why can’t any human tell me where the spleen in located (not after you look it up)?

One thought on “Blood Type Lab 2/21

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    sincerely Aidan

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